‘If you have never copied your body … you should!’

Old School body copy, we just had to get this over and done with,
so we went looking for people (men and women) who were willing to go
topless on our RISO printer / copymachine. With either boobs, a third
nipple, scars, chest piercings, chest/belly tattoos, birthmarks, …
and just regular hairy flesh 🙂

A colorful series of torso’s, RISO prints!


We ended up with a series of 33 framed torso’s, … They have been shown at DOK, Red Bull Space (De Studio), Walk & Talk Azores 2012 – Public Art Festival S.Miguel (Pt)S.M.A.K. and at Wholehearted (KASK). The story continues, we are expanding the collection and are making more torso’s once in a while!